Modacom Carpi - Noleggio divise uniformi, uniformi da lavoro, uniformi, giacche, pantaloni, camiceria e maglierie uomo e donna

Uniform dress
rent service

since 1985 production and rental
of uniform

 Products  Modacom

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The Company


Modacom S.r.l.

since 1985 produce and sell, in Italy and in the foreign countries, clothes, knitwear, clothing in general including those items that are well suited to be used as tools of corporate image.

An important part of the project is well HIRE uniforms and uniforms for trade shows, conventions, hotels, a project that has achieved considerable success for the quality of products and services offered.


Modacom S.r.l.

manufactures uniforms and service dress since 1985.
We are able to offer the following products and services:
- Hiring of uniforms
- Shirts made of the best italian textiles
- Uniforms made of the best pure new wool fabrics
- Any personalization required

Manufacturing of:
- Clothing corporate image
- Service dresses
- Uniforms
- Man and woman shirts
Hiring of:
- Clothing corporate
- Accessories
- Uniforms for fairs and conventions

We are here

For more informations please contact our sales commercial office:
Phone: +39 059 689456 / +39 059 686059


We want to let you know how we store your data, for how long and for what purposes. You can ask us at any time to view them and request their cancellation.

Modacom S.r.l. - Via W. Siemens, 4/12 - 41012 Carpi (MO) - Italy
Phone: +39 059 689456 / +39 059 686059 - Email: + PEC:
VAT: 01606430369 - Capitale sociale € 41.600 I.V. - R.I. CCIAA Modena 01606430369 - REA 229807 del 13/05/1985 Modena